Token Metric

The project has 2 Tokens

  • One Token is the native currency of NFTLegends: NFL

  • The 2nd token (referred to as Ticket) is used as a condition to enter the Tournament and buy purple and yellow chests to increase the probability of a rare card: LUCKY

Token metric (NFT)

Team tokens will cliff 1 year, Vesting 12 months

Play to Earn

TokenMetric explanation

SmartContract: 0x6d5c1ce968f46fd7c2288d63c24f1810a2295b0e

Dev Team (10%): 0xc076EdE7aa10fce1dd3cdD6B7aEFbf981Af65E5d - 1 year locked by Smart Contract from ILO

(P2E & DeFi) Rewards (50%): 0xD1302a9d69C006101976ee49b25c71eB94A47699 - The 50% supply will be vested for 1,000 days by smart contract. Every day 5,000 NFL are unlocked to serve as Rewards for players.

If the ecosystem grows fast and 5,000 NFL is deemed insufficient, Rewards will be pulled from Game Revenue, Marketing and Ecosystem or buy back tokens.

Last updated